Amiga Format CD 46
Amiga Format CD46 (1999-10-20)(Future Publishing)(GB)[!][issue 1999-12].iso
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149 lines
Quick Reference Sheet for tandem.library MACROs (RefSheet v.0.00 27.11.97)
TLaschex \1=addr of asc A0 points past D0 = val EQ if zero
TLaslfile \1,\2=fil,dir prompts \3hail strnum \4=sv/ld EQ if bad/canc
TLaslfont \1=num (then call TLnewfont) EQ=bad/canc
TLassdev no param NE=yes
TLattach A5=wsuw \1=addr \2=size no result (mem must be AllocVec)
TLbad \1=strnum
TLbusy no params no result (ok to call if already busy)
TLbutmon \1,\2=TLKeyboard D1,D2 EQ=no button, 1+=button 1+
TLbutprt no params EQ if bad (resized)
TLbutstr \1=addr string w. \ separators no result
TLbuttxt \1=addr string w. \ separators EQ if bad (resized)
TLchip \1=bytes D0=addr or EQ=bad
TLclosefile no params no result (ok to call if already closed)
TLdata \1=1st line \2=no. of lines (later call TLreqoff) (EQ if bad)
TLdropdown \1=draw/drop \2=1st string \3=num strings
[\4=selected(1+) dflt 1] \5,\6=xpos,ypos
[\7=max chrs dflt=0=calc][\8=max drop 5 to 14, dflt 7 OR cycle]
if \1=draw, all regs saved, EQ if bad
if \1<>draw D0=1+, 0 if none/canc
TLellipse \1,\2=centre \3,\4=axes \5,\6=min x,y \7,\8=max x,y
[\9 rastport] [\10=solid] (no \10 if outline)(no \9 if AcWind)
EQ if window resized (\9,\10 can be null)
TLerror no params EQ=dos error found, when erron num in D0
TLfloat \1=addr in \2=addr out(.P type)12 bytes EQ=bad 3(a1)=0 if=0
TLfreebmap \1=addr of bitmap no result (must have been made w. AllocVec!)
TLfsub \1=fontnum no result
TLgetarea \1,\2=min x,y \3,\4=max x,y \5=16 bytes for result EQ if canc
(result: 0,4=topleft; 8,12=botright)
TLgetfont \1=name \2=number \3=height (then call TLnewfont)
TLgetilbm \1=max planes, \2=790 byte buffer for BMHD,CMAP
[\3=nobody = don't load BODY] [\4=public] if pub mem for bmap]
returns A0=bitmap if body loaded, else A0 unchanged EQ if bad
TLhexasc \1=val \2=addr A0 bypasses output
TLhexasc16 \1=val \2=digts 1-8, or 0=left justify \3=addr A0 bypasses opt
TLinput no params no result
TLkeyboard no params D0-D3=ascii mousex mousey bits
bits: 0shift 3ctrl 4alt 6leftamiga 7rightamiga
special ascii retn$0D esc$1B lmb$80 F1=F10$81-$8A bs$8B tab$8C
del$8D up$8E down$8F right$90 left$91 help$92
close$93 gadup$94 size$96 inactive$97 boopsi$99
menu$95, when d1,d2,d3=column,choice,sub -1=none
scroll$98, when d1,d2 = horz top,vert top
TLmget no params NE if message in D0-D3
TLmultiline \1= multiline forbids \2=reqedit forbids EQ if bad
#xxp_xmsty,#xxp_xesty for plaintext set bit 31 of d0 for lock
TLnewfont \1=num \2=style [\3=0main/1req/2help dflt 0] EQ=bad
TLnm \1=title/item/sub/end \2=labl str/-1 bar [\3flags [\4mut excl]]
TLoffmenu \1=menu \2=item \3=sub (-1 if n.a.) }first call
TLonmenu \1=menu \2=item \3=sub (-1 if n.a.) }TLreqmenu
TLopenread no params EQ=bad (calls TLclosefile if bad)
TLopenwrite no params EQ=bad (calls TLclosefile if bad)
TLoutput no params no result
TLoutstr \1=strnum no result
TLpassword \1=chrs EQ if bad D0=$1B if canc
TLpict \1=num(0-11) \1=xpos \2=ypos EQ=bad
TLprefdir \1=dir addr (excl ENV:) \2=use/save
e.g. for ENV:Foo/Bar/Fred call w. Foo, Foo/Bar, then preffil
TLpreffil \1=path addr (excl ENV:) \2=use/save \3=addr \4=bytes
TLprefs [\1=color to allow palette] no result
TLprogdir no params no result
TLprogress \1=progress \2=total [\3=txt] dflt no text
TLpublic \1=bytes D0=addr or EQ=bad
TLputilbm \1,\2,\3,\4=where \5=bitmap (xxp_Screen CMAP) filename in buff
TLreadfile \1=from \2=max bytes EQ=bad D0=bytes read (0=good)
TLreqarea \1,\2=posn \3,\4=size [\5=pen] [\6=rastport, no \6 AcWind]
EQ if window resized
TLreqbev \1,\2=posn \3,\4=size [\5=rec recessed, \5=box unbevelled]
[\6 rastport (no \6, AcWind)] [\7 front pen] [\8 back pen]
EQ if window resized
TLreqchek \1=width \2=height EQ if won't fit
TLreqchoose \1=1st strnum [\2=no. choices(dflt 1,ignre \1)] D0=1+ or EQ=bad
TLreqcls no params no result
TLreqcolor \1=0:pen only, 2:pen+palette, 3:palette only 1+=choice
(or, \1=-1 for load prefs palette, no result)
TLreqedit \1=tablet xpos \2=tablet ypos \3=tags (see end), or
\3=0/1 for default tags for plain/styl, when:
[\4=max chrs, dflt 20str,4num,8hex][\5=tablet width dflt none]
[\6=txt max width deflt none][\7=menu num dflt none]
[\8=str/num/hex dflt str] EQ if bad
TLreqfont \1 = forbids: bit 0-9 = fonts 0-9 (forbids load/reload them)
reuturns D0=0canc, 1-10 = font 0-9
TLreqfull no params no result
TLreqinfo \1=strnum [\2=num strs(dflt 1) [\3=1/2/3(dflt 1) 1ok 2ok\canc]]
3=last str 1+ choices sep by \'s result: D0=1+ or EQ=bad
TLreqinput \1=titl [\2=num/str/hex(dfl str) [\3=len(dfl str20 num4 hex8)]]
result in D0 if num/hex EQ=canc/bad (xxp_errn=0 if canc)
TLreqmenu \1=TLnm menu struc EQ=bad }sets up menu }see also
TLreqmuclr no params no result }activates menu }TLonmeu
TLreqmuset no params no result }inactivates menu }TLoffmenu
TLreqoff no params no result
TLreqon \1=dummy xxp_wsuw entry (TLreqredi first) EQ=bad
TLreqredi \1=dummy xxp_wsuw entry
TLreqshow \1=hook \2=hail \3=total strs \4=strs fit [\5=init(dflt 0)]
set bit 31 of \3 for dumb search, or append \6=seek
set bit 31,30 of \3 for smart search, or append \6=smart
on return, EQ=bad
hook on call: see D0 bits 31,30:
00 make string num D0 bits 0-29, rts w. string at (a0)
10 string bits 0-29 has been clicked, when return:
D0-ve do nothing; D0=0 quit; D0=1 redraw w. no comp
D0=2 redraw w. comp; D0=3 redraw, use D1,D3 as new \3,\5
11 do smart search from bits 0-29
D1 = 3/4/5 = fore/back/left, sought in xxp_patt(a4)
return D0 = where, or D0=-1 = unfound, or D0=-2 = do dumb
TLresize \1,\2=topleft \3,\4=oldsize \5,\6=newsize [\7=BgPen dflt 0]
[\8=rastport] if no \8, uses AcWind EQ = widow resized
TLscreen \1=planes \2=title \3=pens [\4=DisplayID dflt HIRES] EQ=bad
TLslider \1=window wsuw EQ=bad
TLslimon \1-\3=callinf TLkeyboard D1-D3, A5=AcWind EQ=no,NE=yes
TLstra0 \1=strnum no result
TLstring \1=strnum \2=xpos \3=ypos no result
TLstrbuf \1=strnum no result
TLtabmon \1,\2=TLkeyboard D1,D2; \2,\3=xpos,ypos
returns EQ,D0=0 if none clicked, else NE, D0=1+
TLtabs setup: \1=strnum \2=minwidth \3=body height
render: \1=0 \2=frontcard(1+) \3=xpos \4=ypos (EQ=bad)
kill: \1=0 \2=0 \3=xpos \4=ypos
TLtext \1=xpos \2=ypos no result
TLtrim \1=xpos \2=ypos EQ=bad(resized)
TLtsize no params D4=width D5=chrs D6=font ht D7=font baseline
TLunbusy no params no result (ok to call if already unbusy)
TLwcheck no params EQ=same
TLwclose no params no result (Front.i calls automatically)
TLwfront no params no result
TLwindow \1=num \2,\3=where \4,\5=min \6,\7=max \8=flags \9=title EQ=bad
\8=0 for normal; \8=1 for borderless \8=-1 for scrollers
TLwindow0 no parmams (needs st_1=title) EQ=bad
TLwpoll no params D0-D3 per TLMmess (i.e. popped window TLkeyboard)
TLwpop \1=num no result
TLwritefile \1=from \2=bytes EQ=bad (calls TLclosefile if bad)
TLwscroll \1=set/get Data in xxp_scrl: set sets all, get sets hztp,vttt
\2=vert/both/horz (default both)
TLwslof no params no result
TLwsub \1=num no result
TLwupdate no params no result
TLreqedit tags,styl bits....
xxp_xtext dflt xxp_FWork xxp_xoffs xxp_xcspc xxp_xtral xxp_xfgbg xxp_xfont
xxp_xstyl dflt all 0 xxp_xforb xxp_xmaxj xxp_xunpk xxp_xffix xxp_xresz
xxp_xmaxt tablet width xxp_xcomp xxp_xkybd xxp_xpack xxp_xjam1 xxp_xmenu
xxp_xmaxc max chrs 1-254 xxp_xstyb xxp_xredo xxp_xiclr xxp_xcase xxp_xmaxw
xxp_xcrsr 0+, 255=eol, -1none OR xxp_nprt=-1=don't print
xxp_xtask 0=ascii no cont 1=ascii w. cont 2=dec num 3=hex num
xxp_xltyp 0=ljust 1=centre 2=rjust 3=full just
styl bits: 0bold 1ital {2undl 3sup 4sub 5dotd (&c)} 5shad 6wide